Jun 29, 2009

Impact of job change

A taxi passenger tapped the driver on the shoulder to ask him a question. The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, went up on the footpath, and stopped centimeters from a shop window.

For a second everything went quiet in the cab, then the driver said:

"Look mate, don't ever do that again. You scared the daylights out of me!".

The passenger apologized and said, "I didn't realize that a little tap would scare you so much."

The driver replied, "Sorry, it's not really your fault. Today is my first day as a cab driver - I've been driving a van carrying dead Bodies for the last 25 years....... u can imagine what went into my mind when u touched my back!!
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Jun 27, 2009


Environment and the E-cig
Traditional smokers leave behind a carbon footprint which is greatly reduced when switching to the electronic cigarette.

A rechargeable battery is used (hence electric) and a cartridge is the equivalent of 1-2 packs of cigarettes depending on the brand.

Refills are available online and can be purchased in bulk. The weight and size of the cartridges when compared to the weight and size of cartons of cigarettes being shipped to your local store is one factor. The fuel saved in the transport of these products could really add up..

While a pack of cigarettes leaves behind an ashtray full of butts, the electronic cigarette leaves behind just a small cartridge in comparison.These could be possibly recycled in the future.

The reusable electric cigarette travels light, and does not need a lighter to ignight. The savings of a smoker from buying lighters or lighter fluid alone will add up to hundreds of dollars.

No deadly smoke or pollutants are left behind by the e-cig. Clothes do not smell after use, and there is no ashtray clean up.

Useful Technology
While the electric cigarette is not an official smoking cessation device, many people have successfully given up the traditional cigarette with suprising ease.

For those who are not ready to quit, this device is the healthy alternative.

For those who know a smoker this is something you should bring to their attention. It is used by many smokers as a way to smoke where you aren't normally allowed to without offending anyone. It presents nicotine replacement and the enjoyment of the flavor of tobacco in a way that smokers are familiar with.
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Jun 26, 2009

Electric Cigarette!!--2

What is in the cartridge?
The cartridge contains either 3 or 4 elements.

propylene glycol
I say either 3 or 4, because it is entirely possible to get an electronic cigarette without #4 - the nicotine. More on this idea later.

The flavor contained in the cartridge simulates that of tobacco, but there is no tobacco. With the growing popularity of the e-cigarette, more flavors are becoming available to satisfy consumer demand. Pipe and cigar smokers may soon find their favorite brand available as a smokeless sensation. Banana, apple, cherry, and strawberry are just to name a few.

I think water is easy to discern, but most people may not be familiar with propylene glycol. PG (propylene glycol) is the real magic ingredient in the mix. It is the element responsible for the smoke that appears. This smoke is actually just part of the vapor created with the water - and is the same smoke you see in smoke machines at your discotheque.. It is not really smoke, as there is no fire.

Side note: New experiments are running with VG or vegetable glycerine in replace of the PG. Apparently this also creates a smoke like appearance, and can be found readily in health food stores.

Propylene glycol is a substance which is considered safe by the FDA. It is found in many personal body products such as shampoo, lotion, and even toothpaste. A small amount of the population will have an allergic reaction to PG - so it is advisable to consider any allergies you may have before trying the electronic cigarette.

Finally, nicotine is added. Not all cartridges are the same as nicotine is available in different strengths. Usually this is high, medium, low, or the option mentioned above of "no nicotine."

Pictured here is the pen style electronic cigarette. These devices are becoming available in a plethora of designs and colors.

China and the World
The electronic cigarette has it's origin in China dating back to 2003. China is known for consuming 1/3 of the worlds tobacco consumption. Although taxes are collected on tobacco products, these funds are no match for the higher cost of health care brought about by Chinese smokers. This is possibly the driving force that pushed China to this invention.

Runyan was the original company to take the electric cigarette and push it into availability for the public. Since that time many other manufacturers have popped up and competition for the best and most reliable device is on the rise.

The US is now another happy home to the e-cig. Just recently an American company Njoy has added a mini style which more closely resembles the size of a traditional cigarette. The Njoy Npro is the latest evolution.
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Jun 25, 2009

Electric Cigarette!!

What is the Electric Cigarette?
The electric cigarette, also know as an electronic cigarette, e-cigarette, or e-cig is basically a device that mimics the actions of a real cigarette.

There are four main components:

an indicator light
a battery
an atomizer
a cartridge

The indicator light is found at the end of the battery. Made to resemble a flame, it glows as the consumer takes a puff, flashes when the smoker inhales too many times in a short period, and flashes to indicate when the battery is charging.

The battery itself powers the e-cigarette, looks or blends in as part of the smoking device, and is rechargeable.

An atomizer screws into the battery and is the "engine" behind the machine. The atomizer is responsible for creating a vapor that looks like smoke, and creates the delivery of sensations that smokers recieve from traditional cigarettes.

Finally, the cartridge. The cartridge is a simple mouthpiece which contains the elements which convince the smoker they are smoking. In reality, there is no smoke.
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Jun 9, 2009

Beautiful story

A long time ago, before the world was created and humans set foot on it, God had put all the human "qualities" in a separate room. Since all the qualities were bored they decided to play hide & seek.

"Madness" was one of the qualities and he shouted: "I want to count, I want to count!" And since nobody was crazy enough to want to seek "Madness", all the other qualities agreed. So "Madness" leaned against a tree and started to count:
One, two, three..." As "Madness" counted, the qualities went hiding. "Treason" hid in a pile of garbage.. "Lie” said that it would hide under a stone, but hid at the bottom of the lake. And Madness continued to count "... seventy nine, eighty, eighty one..." By this time, all the qualities were already hidden-except "Love ".

For stupid as "Love " is, he could not decide where to hide.

And this should not surprise us, because we all know how difficult it is to hide "Love".

"Madness": "...ninety five, ninety six, ninety seven..." Just when "Madness" got to one hundred..... ....."Love" jumped into a rose bush where he hid.

And Madness turned around and shouted: "I'm coming, I'm coming!" As Madness turned around, "Laziness" was the first to be found, because "Laziness" was too lazy to hide. "Madness" searched madly and found "Lie" at the bottom of the lake. One by one, Madness found them all - except Love. Madness was getting desperate, unable to find Love.

Envious of Love, "Envy" whispered to "Madness ": "You only need to find Love, and Love is hiding in the rose bush."

"Madness" Jumped on the rose bush and he heard loud cry. The thorns in the bush had pierced "Loves" eyes.

Hearing the commotion God came into the room and saw what had happened. He got very angry and cursed "Madness" and said since "Love" has become blind because of u... ..u shall always be with him"

And so it came about that from that day on, Love is blind and is always accompanied by Madness.!
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