Don’t let anyone fool you into thinking you need to hire a professional to repair your credit. The truth is, there is nothing a credit repair company can do to improve your credit that you can’t do for yourself. So, save yourself some money and the hassle of finding a reputable company and repair your credit yourself.The effects from damaged credit can be far reaching. When it comes to credit repair it's hard to know where to go or how to start. Here you’ll find the information you need to start mending the blemishes in your credit.
There are a lot of credit repair companies that use dishonest and unscrupulous methods of repairing credit. These companies are criminals because they are breaking the Credit Repair Organizations Act - the CROA - a Federal law that dictates what credit repair companies are allowed to do. Quite a few of these companies say they offer legal credit repair. That's really an advertising tactic to convince desperate consumers to pay money for services that may not help their credit at all.Legal credit repair companies won't do certain things as prohibited by the CROA. This includes asking you to create a new identity, lying about the legal credit repair services they can provide, and asking you to waive your CROA rights. A company that does any of these things doesn't provide legal credit repair.Living with debt or bad credit can be very stressful, but help is closer than you realize. Improving your credit rating requires that you take positive action and change your attitude toward money.
Nov 11, 2009
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